MVP Tournament Results

Thanks to the people who participated in the MVP Tournament last night!

We saw a lot of teammates come out to cheer their MVPs on and that’s one of the things this league is all about!  Hopefully we have even more next time!

The Top 4 finishers were:

1st:  Rick Badertscher  (Courts 2)

2nd:  Randy Cady  (Hyde Park)

3rd:  Steve Unterreiner  (Courts 1)

4th:  Mike Woo  (Sportsmen 0)

Congratulations to all for bringing such a strong level of skill and sportsmanship to the league!

Attention All Team Captains!

We are quickly approaching the end of the regular season – as always, double check the stats and let us know of any errors right away so they can be corrected in time for Playoffs.

Captain Vote Needed:  In the interest of awarding all teams with higher cash payouts this season, JPF would like a vote on whether or not we should lower the number of team trophies given out at the banquets.  We would like to suggest team trophies only for the 1st Place finishers in Regular Season and 1st Place finishers in the Playoffs.  Please text the league phone with your vote (or alternative suggestions).

*** There are a lot of events happening throughout the rest of the season, so please keep an eye on the website! (Click on the links below for more details)

  • The MVP Tournament — as discussed in the Captain’s meeting, each team may enter one teammate into this tournament, and they must have played at least 16 games to be eligible.
  • The Playoffs — there will soon be a Playoff Page that appears in the Main Menu, where you can keep up with all the info and matches.
  • The Captain’s Tournament — This tournament is only for Captains or Co-Captains! (One entry per team)
  • Awards Banquets & Tournaments — All JPF members for this season are welcome to come enjoy the free food and fun competition in the open tournament! Each division will have its own individual banquet & tournament.

Thanks for your participation and we hope to see you at the upcoming events!

End of 2024…

This marks the end of the first half of the season and of 2024!

Please remember to check for any stats errors and notify the league.  They will be corrected right away.

JPF hopes everyone is having a great holiday season!

See you in 2025!!

Thanksgiving Tournament Results

Thanks to all who participated; you helped to raise $90 in cash donations as well as over 40 food items for Second Harvest of Silicon Valley!!!

Congratulations to our top 4 tournament winners:

1st:  Steve Unterreiner

2nd:  Dan Ramirez

3rd:  Justin Leathers

4th:  Mike Woo


JPF wishes everyone a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving !!


2024 Winter is coming…

Welcome to the start of another new season with JPF!

As some of you already know, this will be the first season that we will be introducing a third division!  Many people have commented on the extreme length of previous seasons, so we have decided to test out a three-division system, which will shorten the amount of weeks in our regular season.

Our Week 1 matches begin this Tuesday, November 12.  All league and division schedules have been posted!  (The format is a little different than last season, so please read carefully.)

CAPTAINSYour folders will be at your Week 1 match locations !!!  Please ask the bartender to help you locate them when you arrive.  Contact the league if you have questions  ( 669 – 786 – 4926 )

P.S.  JPF is now allowing teams to pick their own team names!  Please text or email the league the new info.

Thanks for your participation & good luck to all !

Team Registration Deadline

friday, november 1 — Team registration deadline

Please contact the league if you missed the meeting but would like to have a team for the 2024 Winter season.

The registration fee is $125 per team.

We accept cash, check, or Zelle to:  JPF Pool League   [ 669-786-4926 ]

The end to another successful season…


Thank you to everyone who attended the banquets!  Here are the top finishers in the MVP tournaments:

Division A

1st: Jette Maminta     2nd: Eddie Nazlou     3rd: Vik Shah     4th: Miguel Fernandez     5th/6th: Randy Cady & Hector Alanis     7th/8th: Jessie James & Mike Woo

Division B

1st: Leon Kukovec     2nd: Zach Moctezuma     3rd: Brad Wilson     4th: Cary Horner


We hope you all have had a great time participating with JPF & we’ll see you next season!

Captains:  Don’t miss the Captain’s Meeting this Tuesday (details on the Events page)


Captain’s Tournament Results

I forgot to post the results from the Captain’s Tournament last week!

Congratulations to our winning Captains:

1st – Jon Herranen   (Woodhams Lounge – Div B)

2nd – Alex Weaver   (Hyde Park – Div A)

3rd – Cary Horner   (Sideline – Div B)

Thanks to all for your participation & hard work!

End of Regular Season


The final results for the regular season have been posted.

Captains — Please check with your teammates about spelling errors in their names !!!   We use the names on the stats sheets for trophy orders.  If any corrections need to be made, please text the league number ASAP.    669 – 786 – 4926

Everyone will now be able to view the Playoffs page, which contains a lot of information.  We will keep this page updated as we go through Playoff weeks.

Thanks to everyone for playing with JPF Pool League !!!

Last week of regular season!

We are finally here at the end of a very looooong regular season!

PLEASE turn in your Week 26 scoresheets and remaining dues by the usual deadline –

THURSDAY NIGHT BEFORE THE SPORTSMEN’S LOUNGE CLOSES !!!   (Same deadline for digital turn-ins!)

JPF will not accept late turn-ins the last week! If your turn-in is late, you will automatically lose your “envelope bonus” points for the second half of the season (which can make a difference for team placement), and possibly additional penalties as well.

Final scores must be calculated and posted quickly because Playoffs will begin immediately (September 10).

Thank You everyone for your continued participation with JPF Pool League!!!

Div A – Team Name & Location Change

Due to the changes in ownership at the former Triple Threat Bar & Grill, their A division team will be changing host bars to The Sportsmen’s Lounge for the remainder of this season.

Their new team name is  Sportsmen 1  (not to be confused with Sportsmen 0 ).

The schedule has been updated.


Division A – Notice of Dropped Team


Unfortunately, the 49ers team has been dropped for the remainder of this season due to lack of players.

What does this mean for the teams that still had matches to play against them?

The Captain will fill out a scoresheet as if those matches were FORFEITS:

You will still collect $50 from your team, and you will distribute 15 wins on the scoresheet.  Envelope deadlines are still the same for the week. (Yes, you may use the digital turn-in option if you prefer.)

The required minimum amounts of games to qualify for Playoffs and MVP has been adjusted to account for the change in total possible playable games.

If you have any questions, please Contact Us.


First Half Complete!


The Week 13 stats have been posted, and this marks the end of the first half of the regular season!

To any Captains who have never been late with an envelope turn-in ~~~ you just earned two bonus points for your team!!!  This bonus will be awarded again at the end of the regular season to any team that has zero late envelopes in the second half.  Don’t throw away your chance at free points — get everything in on-time!!!  [ A full envelope turn-in consists of a correct & completed scoresheet & your team dues ]

This is also a good time for teams to review their team stats in detail, making sure that you will be able to get enough players qualified for the Playoffs in September  (and MVPs for the players who have high win-percentages already).

If help is needed in figuring out the numbers, please Contact Us.

Thanks for your continued participation!

Temporary Bar Closure


The Triple Threat Bar may soon be closed for remodeling.

JPF will post additional updates when we have more information.

*** IF this affects any of your matches, we will contact the Captains directly via phone/text.


Week 1 – Stats Posted

The stats from our Week 1 matches have been posted!

Please remember — late, incorrect, or incomplete scoresheets delay stats reporting.

The turn in deadline is always Thursday night, before Sportsmen’s Lounge closes.

Thanks everyone and welcome to a new season with JPF!


Week 1 of 2024 Spring Season!

Welcome to the start of a new season!  We have a lot of new teams and Captains this year.  If anyone has questions, please contact us.    [ 669-786-4926 ]

The match schedules have been posted & your Captain’s Folders will be at your Week 1 matches!

These folders will contain a copy of the rules, scoresheets (carbon-copy and regular), half-time drinks sheets, and envelopes.  If you paid your registration fee already, your receipt will also be in your folder.   [ If you would like to pick up your folder before February 27, please contact us. ]

*** If you have not yet paid your team registration fee ***it must be turned in with your Week 1 scoresheet & team dues!!!    ( $125   checks made out to:  JPF Pool League )

If you are looking for more players for your team, please contact us!  There are still some people looking for a place to play.