New items from the Captains Meeting

There was only one slight rule addition from the Captains’ Meeting this Tuesday.

see  Rules of Play  #3  for official details:

The winner of the coin-toss / Lag may opt to rack their own rack.

*** JPF Pool League has now added a fully digital turn-in option for your weekly scoresheet and dues!

The traditional way of turning in a paper envelope, scoresheet & cash is still available as always;  for your convenience, you may now also do this turn-in digitally.  For more details, please go to the Envelope & Scoresheet Procedures section of The Rules.

Another successful season!

JPF would like to thank all our participants that attended the banquets!  It was great fun as always!

The top finishers for our MVP tournaments were:

Div A:

1st – Jette Maminta (Triple Threat 1)

2nd – German Burgara (Courts 1)

3rd – John Alzate (KC Mike’s 1)


Div B:

1st – Warren Ciriacruz (Triple Threat 2)

2nd – Matt Roulin (Courts 2)

3rd – Dan Touris (Bears 1)


We look forward to the new season with all our members!!

Money Distribution Sheets

Thanks to everyone for their patience!  There have been a lot of delays, but we are finally wrapping up the season with our traditional banquets.  Hope to see everyone there!

The money distribution sheet for Division B is now posted on the Downloads page.  The trophy shop still has not given us the final invoice, so there might be a small revision to the team payouts later this week.  We will notify all the Captains if there are any changes.

The money distribution sheet for Division A will be posted later this week, after JPF has received the final trophies invoice.

Thanks to all for your continued participation!

********* Update – 1/30/24 *********

Final Trophy Invoice received — the fully corrected Money Distribution Sheets are posted on the Downloads page.


Event Dates Confirmed!

Hello everyone!

JPF is pleased to announce that the banquet dates are set!

Go to the Events page to see details for each division’s banquet.

The mandatory Captains’ Meeting for the new season will be on February 13th, so please mark your calendars!


Banquet Information

Hello all League Members!

Congratulations to our Playoff Champions:  Triple Threat 1  &  Courts 2  !!!

These bars will be the hosts of our upcoming league banquets.

JPF is still waiting for confirmation from the trophy shop to find out when everything will be ready, but we will text the Captains when all dates are solid.  Until then, please take a look at the League Schedule to get an idea of when the big events will be.  We will also post Event details as soon as they are confirmed.


Happy Thanksgiving!

JPF hopes everyone has a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving!

The final stats for regular season will be complete as soon as the remaining makeup matches are played.

The Playoff page will appear on the website as soon as the makeup match scores are received, and we will be taking the top EIGHT teams from each division to Playoffs.

Thank You All for your continued participation!

Makeup Week Added!

Due to a very high number of Halloween reschedule requests,

JPF has added a makeup week to the schedule right after Week 22 and before Playoffs.

Because this pushes everything else back a week, please take a look at the League Schedule page!

As always, let us know if you have any questions on the Contact Us page.



Week 11 ends the first half


As you all know, we have a 22-week regular season, which means that Week 11 will mark the end of the first half.  That is a good time to double check all of your stats and see how many games your teammates still need in order to qualify for Playoffs and MVP.  Make sure to account for bye weeks in your calculations.

If you have any questions, please let us know on the Contact page.

P.S.  Most of the envelopes have been perfectly on-time the last couple of weeks, keep up the good work!

Thanks for your continued participation!

Independence Day Break

As you know, JPF has a scheduled break week for the 4th of July.

This is a perfect opportunity for your host bar to have a tournament night instead!

If you would like to announce your tournament (or any other events) on the JPF website, please give us the info on our Contact page.


Notes from the Captains’ Meeting

Congratulations Captains, you earned two bonus points for your team by showing up!  We will contact you soon about your new season folders.

There were many things discussed at this Tuesday’s meeting:

  1.  Although lower dues were offered by JPF, the majority of captains surprisingly voted to keep league dues the same as last season ($10).
  2. The minimum amount of games played to qualify for Top Shooter is now 70% for both males and females. (We will have the specific number of games when the season starts)  [ See Rules,  Admin Details #8 ]
  3. We have now added “lagging” as an option for determining who breaks, if both players prefer it. (The coin flip is still the default method)  [ See Rules,  Rules of Play #2 ]
  4. New teams will be placed in divisions according to available space and performance history  [ See Rules, Other Rules & Regs #7 all ]
  5. If an object ball jumps off the table, it is now spotted instead of pocketed. [ See Rules, Rules of Play #13 all ]

If there are any questions, please send us a message through the Contact form.

Thanks to everyone for your continued participation with our league.  We look forward to another fantastic new season with you all!

P.S.   Remember to check our Events page weekly… there are always things being added and updated!

Official End of Season

The League Banquets mark the official end to our 2022 Winter Season;

Thanks again to everyone who came to celebrate with us!!!

and Congratulations to the winners of the Top Shooter Tournaments:

Division A — Jason Williams     Division B — Frank Song

We look forward to another fun season with all our returning and new teams !!


League Banquets


The league banquets will be on May 9th at 7pm !!!

As per JPF tradition, there will be a banquet at the Playoff winners’ bars from each division.  This is when we give out the trophies, cash awards, and hold the Top Shooter Tournament!

We will have the details of each banquet posted on the Events page as soon as possible.

Thanks to everyone for your participation this season and we hope to see everyone there!


Jose Mendoza Memorial Tournament


JPF is always sad to mourn the loss of a great friend and pool player…

Hour Bar will be hosting a memorial tournament in Jose Mendoza’s honor.

The proceeds will go to his family to help them with their tragic and untimely loss.

Please go to our Events page, or the Facebook page for Hour Bar and/or Danielle Burfine to get more details.


End of Regular Season

Hello Captains!

As you know, we are close to the end of the regular season.  We will be taking the top 6 teams from each division to Playoffs, but would like to remind everyone that the pending rescheduled matches will effect the final standings.  As soon as these are played, JPF will post the updated scores.  It is important to turn in complete and correct scoresheets so there are no delays.  Please contact us if you have questions.

Thanks for your continued participation!

Valid IDs !!!

JPF would like to remind everybody that you must be 21+ to be in a bar. Authorities have been cracking down on this more and more lately, so please make sure you have a valid ID with you at all times.

If a bar doesn’t let you in because you have no ID, we can’t help you!!!

Beware of Holiday Scams


Scams increase during the holidays, so please be mindful of dishonest people!

JPF Pool League will never ask random strangers to give Captains instructions on what to do with your league envelopes or anything else to do with league info.  If the league Director (or a league officiate) does not contact you directly, it is a scam!

Thank you for your time and have a great end of the year!