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(Due to formatting issues beyond our control, the web-version of the rules may look different than the printer-version, but the content is the same.)
Rules Updated: 11/1/2024
Jump to: Teams Rosters/Scoresheets General Rules Rules of Play Fouls Forfeits Other Rules & Regs Envelope/Scoresheet Procedures Host Bars Playoffs Admin/Misc Personal Conduct
- A team must have at least 5 players (+ a maximum of 5 alternates per league match).
- A player may transfer to another team only once per season (provided that player has not played more than 4 games for their original team).
- A player may be substituted at any time throughout the match, except during a game they are involved in, and:
- the opposing team must be informed of the substitution prior to that game.
- the Score Sheet (see rosters) must reflect the substitution with that player’s Full Name in the line up box below the name of the player they are replacing & Initials in each small box attached to the game square(s) which they are participating in.
- the substituted player may not re-enter the match, except during playoffs. (see Playoffs)
- If a Team Needs to Reschedule a Match:
- If the match that needs to be rescheduled occurs in the first half of the regular season, teams have until the start of the second half to make it up.
- If the match occurs in the second half, it must be made-up by the last week of the regular season.
- If the match has not been made-up by those deadlines, the team that originally needed to reschedule will be forced to Forfeit that match. (see Forfeits)
- If a Team is Forced to Drop Out at Any Time during the Season Due to:
- Bar Closure: Every effort should be made by the team members and/or League Officials to find a new Host bar. The original Host Bar’s Registration Fee will transfer to the new Host Bar & all paid weekly dues & player stats will transfer with the team. If a new Host Bar cannot be found, players can elect to, (collectively or individually), join an existing team; Bar registration fees Shall Be Forfeit, but players’ paid weekly dues & stats will transfer with the players to their new team(s). (Note: the player’s personal wins will not be applied to the new teams’ overall wins.) If a player cannot find, or chooses not to join an existing team, their weekly paid dues Shall Be Forfeit.
- Shortage of players: Bar registration fees & all paid weekly dues Shall Be Forfeit.
- Asked to drop by league officials: Bar registration fees & all paid weekly dues Shall Be Forfeit.
- Any team scheduled to play a team that has dropped out will receive a score of 15-0, but must pay their weekly dues that night. For teams that have already played that dropped team, their score will stand as is.
This Section is NOT NEGOTIABLE & must be Followed As Written!
Rosters & Scoresheets
- A Roster is the complete players list for your team.
- A Score Sheet is what is filled out every week & is turned in at the end of the night with the team’s weekly dues. It needs to have 5 starting players, with their Full Name written in the box representing the games those players will play. (Away Team is on the left, Home Team is on the top.)
- If a player is substituted out, their Initials need to be put in each small box attached to the game square(s) they participated in.
- Each roster slot will play 4 match games per regular league night for a total of 20 games per week.
- If a player is substituted out, their Initials need to be put in each small box attached to the game square(s) they participated in.
- A Scoresheet should be submitted to the opposing team no later than 7:45pm.
- A minimum of 3 players must be present for league play to begin. These players must be placed at the lower number games, (1, 2, 3, etc.). Missing players must be placed at the higher number games. (Note: You cannot skip games or place those players that are present at the higher number games to accommodate for late players.)
- After all of the present players have played their first game, and none of the late players have arrived, those players should play their second game. IF, at the completion of all present players’ second game, the late players still have not arrived, those games should be considered Forfeit. (see Forfeits) If the late players arrive before the end of those games, they should be allowed to play their entire schedule. If it is after, it shall be up to the Opposing Team’s Captain to decide if those games are to be played (See Note 1). If agreed, those games should be played after all other match games have been completed (after game 20). Once again, you should not reward the players that cannot arrive on time.
- If neither team can fill the roster, both teams will Forfeit those un-played games. (see Forfeits)
This section May Be NEGOTIATED, but Both Captains Must be In Agreement! (see Notes section)
- This is Not An Obligation, Nor is it Mandatory. This should be considered a Courtesy Only!
- Courtesy is Always Encouraged. (Remember, YOU could be in the same situation & I’m sure YOU would like the same consideration.)
- The Captains that are making any requests Cannot Demand Them & Must Abide By The Opposing Captain’s Decision (as Written Within the Scope and Spirit of these Rules).
- Captains: Time Limitations & Leeway should always be taken into consideration when making your decisions.
- “Extenuating Circumstances” should be considered “On Occasion”, not a Weekly Occurrence.
- Sportsmanship & the Spirit of Competition Should Always Be Exhibited By Every Player In The League.
General Rules
- Practice times: Home team has the table from 6:30pm – 7:00pm (No practice games should start after 7:00pm). Away team has the table from 7:00pm – 7:30pm (No practice games should start after 7:30pm).
- Match play should begin by 7:30; a grace period of 15 minutes may be given if both Captains agree. (see Notes)
- The Home Team will pay for all league match games on the pool table.
- All match games will be played on the same pool table.
- If multiple tables are available, the Home Team shall decide which table will be used for League play.
- If the table is inoperative, or some other reason that the match cannot be played, the Away Team can chose to:
- All match games should conclude by the Host Bar’s closing time. If the match has not concluded by then, it will be up to both teams to reschedule those incomplete games before next league play begins. (A witness from both teams, and/or a League Official should be present.) Failure to do so will result in both teams forfeiting those games. All weekly dues must be paid for those un-played games. (see Forfeits)
- Table Markers: an object placed on the rails, at pockets, or marking the table in any way, to aide a player’s aim are not allowed under any circumstances. *IF* any chalk falls onto the felt while the player is lining up his/her shot, the opponent may request that s/he brush it off before continuing. (Do not wait until they are about to shoot to ask!) If the player refuses to remove the “mark” or object, it is a loss of turn only.
General Rules are just that: “General”. It is not possible to cover all situations here. Please be Reasonable and use Common Sense when interpreting these rules. (see Notes section)
Rules of Play
- The game is 8-Ball, Call Ball & Pocket; Ball-in-Hand rules apply.
- The Home Team shall flip a coin & the Away Team shall indicate “Heads” or “Tails” while the coin is in the air. (The coin must spin in the air & land flat on the table felt. If the coin does not spin, and/or bounces into a pocket or onto the floor, etc., the coin should be re-flipped.) The coin-toss is the default method. If both players prefer to Lag for the break, they may do this instead. [“Lagging” for the break means both players start at the same short rail and hit individual object balls towards the opposite short rail in order to bring it straight back to the starting short rail. The ball that stops closest to the starting rail wins the break choice. (If your ball hits a long rail or falls into a pocket, you lose the Lag.)]
- The winner of the coin-toss / Lag has the option to:
- break the rack themselves, after asking the opponent to rack
- break the rack themselves, after racking their own rack)
- give the break to their opponent
- *** Note: Either opponent may request a re-rack if they see that it is not a legal rack (see #4 & #5).
- A “Legal Rack” consists of:
- the head ball being centered on the Rack Marker (the dot glued to the center of the foot string) in an alternating ball pattern, with the back row of balls parallel to the back rail (as allowed by the condition of the table).
- all balls in the rack touching (as allowed by the condition of the rack triangle).
- the 8-Ball being in the center (third row from the front, center ball).
- opposing balls in the back corners (closest to the back corner pockets).
- No “Illegal Rack” should be broken. If an “Illegal Rack” IS broken, play should continue as normal. If there is any question or doubt of an “Illegal Rack”, the player awarded the break may request a re-rack. (This request should Always be Obliged. Rack them the same way you would like them & expect them to be racked for you – No one likes to break a loose or skewed rack). Players, Please Do Not Abuse This Option. (see Notes)
- Play begins when the Rack is Broken, with the cue-ball starting completely behind the headstring.
- A “Legal Break” requires at least any 4 balls to be driven to a rail or a ball to be pocketed. (A Pocket Is as Good as a Rail.)
- IF, On the Break:
- a “Legal Break” does not occur, or a miscue does occur, the opposing player may request a re-rack, or play the table as is. IF, in case of a re-rack, the opposing player has the option to:
- take the break themselves, or
- have the original player break again.
- a Cue-Ball scratch, or a Touch Foul occurs, the opposing player will get Ball-in-Hand Behind-the-Head String. (“Head String” = the imaginary line running across the table, located between the second two diamonds along each side rail at the end of the table where the Cue-Ball is placed when the break occurs, aka: “In The Kitchen”.) The Cue-Ball must be completely behind the “Head String” and you can only target balls that are entirely past the “Head String”. Neither the Cue-Ball nor object ball can be touching the “Head String”.
- the 8-Ball is pocketed, that is an Automatic win.
- the 8-Ball is pocketed, and a Cue-Ball scratch occurs, that is an Automatic Loss.
- a ball(s) is/are pocketed (other than the Cue-Ball or 8-Ball), the table is still considered “open”. The ball set will be determined by the shooter’s next legal shot. Note: “Ball-in-Hand” rules do not apply to fouls committed on the break.
- a “Legal Break” does not occur, or a miscue does occur, the opposing player may request a re-rack, or play the table as is. IF, in case of a re-rack, the opposing player has the option to:
- On an Open Table:
- You may use any ball to pocket any other ball – NOTE: you can only use the 8-Ball if it is in-between an object ball & a target ball.
- You cannot call a “Safety” and establish a ball set on the same shot. (If you DO call a “Safety” & pocket a ball, the table is still considered “Open”, and it is your opponent’s turn, shooting the Cue-Ball where it lies.)
- A “Safety” is a “Legal Shot” with no intention of continuing your turn, even if you pocket one of your object balls.
- A “Legal Shot” Requires:
- striking the Cue-Ball with the tip of your Cue-Stick;
- the Cue-Ball must make contact with one of your object balls first, and then either:
- a ball is pocketed, or
- any ball on the table is driven to a rail. Note: Making contact with one of your object balls & one of your opponent’s balls at the same time IS a “Legal Shot” – Tie goes to the shooter.
- If a ball is “frozen” against a rail, (the ball is touching the rail), making contact with that ball is considered “Driving it to a Rail”, & IS a “Legal Shot”.
- There is no “Push Rule”. If your Cue-Stick contacts the Cue-Ball more than once at any time, that is a Foul. (see Fouls)
- “Jump Shots” are not allowed, but if a ball accidentally jumps off the table:
- If it was an object ball (not the Cue-Ball or the 8-Ball) – it is a Loss of Turn – Not a ball-in-hand. The ball that jumped off the table will be spotted (placed on the Rack Marker or as close behind it as possible) & your opponent will play the Cue-Ball where it lies.
- If it was the Cue-Ball – That is a Foul – and your opponent will get Ball-in-Hand (Unless On the Break).
- If it was the 8-Ball – That is an Automatic Loss.
- Calling Your Shot:
- Players must indicate which ball will go into which pocket, by pointing to, or naming the ball and pocket (you do not have to call rails, combos, caroms, etc.).
- If no ball or pocket has been indicated, but a “Legal Shot” is executed – That is Loss of Turn – Not a Ball-in-hand, even if you pocket one of your object balls. (Your opponent must call the foul & shoot the Cue-Ball where it lies.)
- When a player is in “The Act of Shooting”:
- Their hand must be below their armpit (except when using a bridge – see Other Rules & Regs).
- One foot must be touching the floor when contact with the Cue-Ball is made. NOTE: Exceptions shall be made for physical limitations… wheelchairs, canes, crutches, etc.
- “Time Warning” or “Shot Clock”: Players have about 60 seconds to execute their next shot, starting from the end of all ball movement from the previous shot. The first offense of a player taking too much time is a Warning. There will only be one warning per game. The second and following occurrences will be Loss of Turn. Any player from either team may serve as a timer and may inform their teammate when 10 seconds remain before time expires for either player. This is not considered “coaching”. (see Other Rules & Regs) Note: Because the difficulty level of shots varies, some shots will take longer to form a strategy than others. Please allow the player an appropriate amount of time for the difficulty level of the shot. This rule is subjective & should be used with Good Judgement & Common Sense – Please use it with discretion. (see Notes)
- A player’s shot concludes 3 seconds after all motion stops. IF any ball falls into a pocket prior to your opponent’s contacting the Cue-Ball, that ball should remain pocketed. If it was the 8-Ball, the 8-Ball should be spotted (centered on the Rack Marker). If it was the Cue-Ball, it is Ball-in-Hand for your opponent.
- You cannot pocket your last ball & the 8-Ball on the same shot – That is Loss of Game.
- If you pocket the Cue-Ball when attempting the 8-Ball, that is an Automatic Loss of Game.
- After pocketing the 8-Ball, you must “Conclude your Shot” without committing a foul to win the game.
- If any touch foul occurs on any ball, by either player, before all motion has stopped, that is Loss of Turn to the player who committed the foul and Ball-in-hand to the opponent. NOTE: Your opponent must call the foul. Important: Let the Cue-Ball Drop into the Pocket (leave the “field of play”). This rule is subjective & should be used with Good Judgement & Common Sense – Possibly give a warning on the first offense? (see Notes)
- If a player unintentionally shoots and pockets the wrong ball set (ex: they are solids but shoot at stripes), their opponent must call a foul after the first instance takes place. IF the opponent does not call a foul, play should continue with the player now shooting the new set. (They cannot return to their original ball set & if the shooter completes their next shot, their opponent can no longer call a foul on that occurrence.)
- If a player inadvertently begins a game that should have been played by another member of their team, the game should be stopped immediately & the game should be re-played with the correct players & a new coin flip /lag should take place. (IF the game concludes with the wrong player, that game will be Forfeit & Not Re-played.)
- Draws:
- If Both Players Agree to a draw, they have the option to replay the game. The coin flip /lag is not repeated – the original player that was awarded the break can break again or defer the break to their opponent.
- If Both Players Do Not Agree to a draw, play will continue as normal. NOTE: A player can hand the Cue-Ball to their opponent a maximum of 3 times before the game is declared a draw & must be re-played (see above).
- Concession:
- If a player congratulates their opponent before the 8-Ball has been pocketed, they are conceding defeat and have forfeited the game.
- If a player begins to break down their Cue-Stick before the 8-Ball has been pocketed, they are conceding defeat and have forfeited the game.
- After a game ends, the next two players should be at the table within about a minute to flip for the break. If one of the players has not arrived within a reasonable amount of time, that player will forfeit the break (unless prior arrangements have been made with their opponent).
This section May Be NEGOTIATED, but Both Captains Must be In Agreement! (see Notes)
- Only your opponent can call a foul and it can only be called between the time the foul occurs & before you complete your next shot. If your opponent calls a foul, please stop game play until it is resolved. If a foul Is Not called prior to the shooter’s next shot, play will continue as normal.
- If a foul does occur & IS called by your opponent, they will be rewarded with the appropriate result for that foul: Ball-in-hand, or shooting from where the Cue-Ball lies. (Ball-in-Hand — Placing the Cue-Ball anywhere on the table to shoot at any of their remaining ball set.) (For fouls on the break, see On The Break).
- If there is a dispute over the foul, the players may ask the “spotters” of the game, then they may ask the Captains. If it is still not resolved, they may contact a league official for a ruling, which will be final. (This is not considered “coaching“.)
- The Following are Considered Fouls, and will Result in Ball-in-Hand for your Opponent:
- If the cue-ball drops into a pocket.
- Striking the Cue-Ball twice on the same shot (no “Push Rule”).
- Direct “Jumping” of any ball.
- The shooter’s hand being above their armpit (except when using a bridge – see Other Rules & Regs)
- If the Cue-Ball makes contact with your opponent’s ball or the 8-ball (before completing your set).
- Other than a “Legal Shot” or “Ball-in-Hand”, touching any ball on the table with your Cue-Stick, clothing, any part of your body, hair, jewelry, etc., even if that ball does not move. This rule is subjective – Possibly give a warning on the first offense?
Note: Obviously, not every situation can be addressed here. Some issues need to be rectified by the Players & Captains using Good Judgement & Common Sense. Refer any discrepancies that cannot be resolved to a League Official.
- If a team is forced to forfeit any individual games, those games must still be paid for that night.
- If a team is forced to forfeit an entire match, they do not have to pay that week, but the cost ($50) will be deducted from their season’s winnings.
- The team that is the recipient of a full forfeit will be awarded a score of 15-0, but must pay their weekly dues and submit a scoresheet as usual to receive it. (see Envelope & Scoresheet Procedures). A league official must be notified before a match forfeit may occur !!!
Other Rules & Regulations
- There is No Coaching of any kind allowed. You cannot advise a teammate (or inform them of a foul, etc.) that is currently involved in a game in any way whatsoever. Answering a dispute/question regarding a foul or rule, when asked by both of the active players, is not considered coaching (see fouls). The first offense of “Coaching” will be a Foul; the second occurrence will be Loss of Game. This Rule will continue throughout the night until the match is concluded.
- Normal conversation is allowed, as long as it is not about an ongoing game, strategy, or prior shots that can be overheard by the current player(s).
- Headsets are Not Allowed to be worn by any player involved in a game. This is not a foul (but could be considered Etiquette) & it is to ensure the integrity of the game. (Bluetooth allows communication between active players and their teammates.)
- Due to the diversity of our players, Only English is to be spoken by All Players involved in a game to ensure fairness to all of our participants. The first offense will be a Warning. There will only be one warning per game. The second and following occurrences will be Loss of Game. This Rule will continue throughout the night until the match has concluded.
- When using a Bridge, you are allowed to have your hand above your armpit in order to get the proper elevation to execute your shot.
- If any person or player intentionally moves any ball on the table (except during a “Ball-in-Hand”, or to hand your opponent the cue ball in order to give them “ball-in-hand”), that is an Automatic Loss of Game.
- This League has two Divisions: Each season, teams will be moved up or down between divisions based on their end-of-season ranking. (Note: some unforeseen factors might alter these movements.)
- The two lowest ranked teams in Division A will move to Division B. The two highest ranked teams in Division B will move to Division A.
- Any player that played & qualified for the Playoffs with the Division B team(s) that will be moving up to Division A may not play in Division B the following season.
- Any “new” teams joining the league will be placed in a division based on space available and previous performance records.
Envelope & Scoresheet Procedures
- Envelopes must contain dues from both teams (unless there was a Forfeit) and the white copies of the scoresheets. The Home Team is responsible for turning in the envelope that week. The deadline is always Thursday night, before bar close! Please give your envelope to a bartender / bar manager only. The drop-off location is The Sportsmen’s Lounge (see participating bars for address & hours of operation).
- Scoresheets must be accurate & complete! Failure to fill out Scoresheets Correctly & turning in envelopes late will result in Point Penalties, as well as delays in statistics updates. Only one warning shall be given to a team per season; penalties begin afterwards.
- In addition to Point Penalties, we also give Point Bonuses. Any team that has zero late turn-ins for either half of the season will receive two Bonus points for that half!
- Digital Turn-Ins: The league will accept a “digital” turn-in of your scoresheet and dues, as long as they meet the same deadline for the physical envelopes (see #1). A clear picture of the scoresheet should be texted or emailed; the dues may be sent via Zelle only, with a notation of which week is being paid.
- The league contact information is: 669-786-4926
Host Bars
- Bar Registration Fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the season. Any Team’s Host Bar that has not paid their fees by the first week will Forfeit all match games until fees are paid.
- It is the responsibility of the Host bars to maintain the tables and ensure they are in proper condition.
- Half-time drinks may be provided by the Host Bar. These are Complimentary Only! There is No Obligation by the Host Bar to do so & can be Revoked or discontinued at any time. Please be Respectful & Please Take Care of your Bartenders… They Work Hard for you! Half-time drinks must be the same value as those you have previously purchased. (You cannot order a shot of alcohol if you have only ordered beer, unless you have made arrangements with the Bartender to pay the difference.) Once again, this is a courtesy of the Host Bar and is subject to the bars’ and/or Bartenders’ discretion. All Players Must Abide by their Decision! The League Directors will always side with the Bar and/or Bartenders’ decision.
- All players (Starters & Alternates) must play a minimum of 40% of the total games for that season to qualify for Playoffs; any player that did not qualify may not participate in the Playoff weeks. Captains, please make sure your players get qualified!
- Quarter- & Semi-Final rounds are single-elimination; the Championship is double-elimination.
- During Playoffs, the winner is the first team to reach 13 wins. It may be necessary to play all 25 games, (the crossed out diagonal on the Score Sheet).
- You must play the games in numerical order! You cannot skip games & return to them later. If you cannot fill the roster, you must take a Forfeit as you come to that game (do not give up games in advance).
- A substituted player may re-enter the match for games 21-25 only, but must return to their original spot in the line-up.
- No dues are collected during playoffs.
- Playoff seeding is based on the team rankings at the end of the regular season. The highest ranked team, (#1), will play the lowest ranked team that qualified, (#8), etc. Matches will take place at the higher seed’s Host Bar.
- If two or more teams are tied at the end of the regular season, head-to-head scores (the two matches played between those teams during the regular season) will be the first tie breaker. If there is still a tie, Total Match Wins for the season will be used for the second tie breaker. If still tied, a mini shootout-style match will be held to determine a clear winner. A blind roster with five players from each team will play head-to-head, and the team with 3 out of 5 games wins.
- If there are 8 or less teams, the top 4 ranked teams will participate in Playoffs, with zero byes. For 9-12 teams, the top 6 teams will participate, with a first week bye to the teams ranked 1st & 2nd. If there are over 12 teams, the top 8 teams will participate, with zero byes.
Administrative Details, Pay-Outs, Banquets, Trophies
- 11% of total league funds will be retained for Administrative Fees.
- Each game requires $2.50 for League Dues (a total of $50.00 per team each week, except for byes). This money is divided up amongst all of the teams at the end of the season (after expenses).
- All teams will be paid for their total wins of the regular season.
- Bonus money will be added to those teams that place 1st through 4th in the regular season, as noted: 1st place = 9.0%, 2nd place = 6.0%, 3rd place = 3.0%, 4th place = 1.5% of total funds collected.
- For every Playoff tier that is won, that team will receive another 1.5% of total funds collected.
- Trophies will also be awarded to the teams that place 1st thru 3rd in the Playoffs.
- Trophies will be supplied by the League only for those players that qualified for the Playoffs (regardless if they participated or not).
- Additional trophies can be ordered through the league for any other team members. Orders need to be placed with the League Director no later than the first round of the Championship matches (the costs will be deducted from that team’s winnings).
- A budget will be allotted for the Awards Banquet for each division, held at the Winning Teams’ Host Bars. The amount will be: $500 for eight or less teams, $650 for nine to eleven teams, $750 for twelve or more teams.
- There will be MVP Awards for the best Male & Female players in each division. This award is based on the Highest Winning Percentages of the regular season. To be eligible for this award, players must play a minimum percentage of the total regular season games possible: Male / Female = 70%. If there is a tie, individual head-to-head play will be the deciding factor (if possible). The winners may choose a Trophy or Cash Equivalent ($60.00).
- The MVP Tournament & Captains’ tournaments will each be separate events (double-elimination). The MVP Tournament will consist of one player chosen from each team’s roster from that season. The Captains’ Tournament will consist of only Captains from that season (if a Captain can not attend, their Co-Captain may play in their place).
- The Awards Banquet Tournaments will consist of a single- or double- elimination tournament. (The number of tables available for play at the Host Bars will be the determining factor.) Each team will be able to enter at least one eligible player. In the event of open spots remaining, additional qualified players may be entered starting with the first place team and working down to the last place. If the tournament is still not filled, it will be open to all League players, qualified or not.
Personal Conduct & Etiquette
- Every player, persons, or guests associated with this League shall conduct themselves like responsible adults.
- Verbal harassment, intimidation, physical altercations, vandalism of any persons’ or bars’ property, threats, theft, or any other actions that can be considered undesirable or criminal WILL NOT BE TOLERATED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. These actions will result in IMMEDIATE & PERMANENT DISMISSAL from this League and Legal action will also be taken if necessary!
- Please treat your opponents, all equipment & host bars with the same respect & consideration that YOU feel you deserve & expect.
- Be gracious in winning & losing…The only thing worse than a poor loser is a poor winner.
- Proper Etiquette must be exhibited by everyone at all times.
- Do not make any attempts to distract, or “Shark” your opponent. This includes, but is not limited to, yelling, leaning on the table, standing in your opponent’s line of aim, trash talking, or any other action that can be used to disrupt your opponent’s concentration & cause them to miss their shot. This extends to all teammates & their guests! The 1st offense is a warning. The 2nd offense is a foul & will result in a ball-in-hand for the opponent. The 3rd offense will be loss of game.
- It is the goal of this League to promote comradery & the Spirit of Competition for everyone.
This Final Section CANNOT be Emphasized Enough & is Not to be Ignored by Anyone!
*** ALL website content is the property of JPF Pool League, unless otherwise noted. ***